'Wretched is the Husk' signed hardback edition
The long awaited sequel to 'Seek The Throat From Which We Sing' and the second volume in the Books of Orata.
Presented here is a 334 page, hardback, cloth bound book, with a dust jacket.
Dark animal mythology / environmental fantasy book in the tradition of Rats of NIMH, Duncton Wood, and Watership Down.
Signed by the author
Brief description;
Immune to a virus that decimated humanity, twelve-year-old Ivy is alone, living out an existence in the ruins of a fallen city. But her presence has not gone unnoticed. Vorsa Corpse Speaker, a stern but compassionate fox, can sense this child’s importance in a coming war.
For an enemy whose malice is forged in the same fires that stoked the end of humankind has risen, and his desire might swallow the world for good.
Ivy begins a journey, to understand and protect that which has grown in place of her people, one of burgeoning animal nations, of living cities, and ancient feathered gods.
Wretched is the Husk is the long awaited sequel to Seek The Throat From Which We Sing. From the earthen dens of the Throa and Vulpus, to the kingdoms of the once caged, a vital, timely tale of animal mythology, and the final cry of fallen kings.